Project PLASE: Our Stories

“Project PLASE: Our Stories” is a compilation of the stories of PLASE clients and is a collaboration between Project PLASE and the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Media and Communication Studies Program and American Studies Department. The films were screened at a community event at UMBC on May 3, 2019

Founded in 1974, Project PLASE (People Lacking Ample Shelter and Employment) has been serving the Baltimore Community for 45 years, fighting to end homelessness in Baltimore by providing access to affordable housing for the city’s most vulnerable population. Project PLASE: Our Stories is the first installment in a series of collected narratives designed to archive the unique stories of all Project PLASE clients.


Spring 2019  MCS 484

Tony Cano, Adam Czarnecki, Christian Howe, Kenny M’Bale

Fall 2019. MCS 495

Toluwalope Agboke, Alexis Barbor, Natalie Bates,  Isabel Calderon, Mary Ingwalson, Michelle Ye